News From The President BPW, Dr. Yasmin Darwich





News From The President

Dear all,

It occurs to me that we have reached the half of 2015 already. How time flies so fast! How is this year going so far for you? I hope you are all doing well. The past few weeks have been dynamic for BPW and for some of our clubs around the world as we organise and get involved in activities that promote the rights of women.

On the 3rd of July, I attended the inauguration of the La Paz Nursing School Auditorium in Mexico. I would like again to express my sincere appreciation for our Philanthropic Task Force Chair Lisa Lin, who, in behalf of the Tzu Hsing Foundation, gave US$ 130,000 for the construction of the auditorium. Together with Lisa, Past International President Tuulikki Jussela, Regional Coordinator Latin America Marta Solimano, Professor Silvia Salazar and I also attended the graduation ceremony of the 2015 class, and it was inspiring to see how many nursing graduates can now make a difference in the lives of the local and national community. The Nursing School began as an initiative of Project 5-O in 1985. You can see more details regarding the school auditorium inauguration below.

Some BPW clubs have also become busy in their respective activities. BPW Germany Essen held its annual candlelight celebration as part of its fifth anniversary on 26th of June. This event involved setting a map of the world on the floor, and placing lighted candles on the founding countries of BPW.

On 28th of June, BPW-Italy held an event that seeks to bring awareness to the potential of people with disabilities. The activity promoted the social inclusion of people with disabilities, and engaged public and private organisations toward this goal. I had a lunch meeting with BPW Ticino, Switzerland.

I would also like to congratulate BPW Italy Club Milan for celebrating its 85th anniversary. This BPW club is almost as old as the entire BPW! Celebrating 85 years is such a huge milestone. I hope you continue to work hard to improve the lives of women in your region, and to pursue gender equality.

Thanks to BPW Milan members especially to BPW Milan President Laura Caradonna and Vice President Alga Rossi for the extraordinary Expo Milan as well as their attention and kindness to me, First VP Amany, Young BPW Ketlin Tackman, RC Marta Solimano, Europe Young BPW Maria Socratous and BPW Brazil members that participated at the Expo Milan.

The months ahead will certainly be busy yet exciting for BPW. As of the moment, I am returning from the Executive Meeting in Cancun from 24th to 28th of August and the Women Vendors Exhibition Forum in Sao Paulo, Brazil on 2nd to 3rd of September. The International Trade Centre spearheaded this event, which aims to connect women-owned businesses with multinational corporations, policy makers and trade support institutions. Through this Forum, female entrepreneurs will be able to enrich their business knowledge and become more competitive in the marketplace. Aside from this, I will also be joining BPW Sao Paulo in the celebration of its 40th anniversary.

As we press on toward these exciting activities, I would like to encourage you all to continue to persevere in improving the lives of women across the world.

Yours truly,

Dr. Yasmin Darwich

BPW International President


BPW Shares Its Advocacy Through Fourth NGO-UNESCO Forum

Thanks to Marie Claude Machon Honoré BPW Permanent Representative to UNESCO, BPW has been able to promote its advocacy on women’s rights with a wider audience at the fourth Forum of NGOs in partnership with UNESCO. The event was held from 29th to 30th of June at the UNESCO Headquarters in Paris with the theme of “The Role of Women in Fighting Poverty.” It was well attended by BPW members as well as representation from First VP Amany Asfour, Second VP Arzu Ozyol, RC Adenike Osadolor and BPW FAO Representative Cristina Visconti. As an NGO, BPW has shared some of its initiatives in helping women fight poverty, such as the project of BPW Africa in ending Child Marriage. BPW’s regional coordinator for Africa, Adenike Osadolor, presented this project in one of the sessions. Meanwhile, a film on Young BPW’s solar project has been shown on the second day of the forum. The film was made by Young BPW International representative Ketlin Tackman. Apart from her, Sepi Roshan from Young BPW also participated here by moderating one of the sessions.

Our special gratitude to Marie Claude Machon Honoré for her commitment to BPW and making BPW so highly visible in this event.


Women Should Have The Equal Opportunity To Lead U.N.

In its 70 years, the United Nations has been led by eight Secretary-Generals who are male. An online campaign is therefore urging the U.N. to elect a female Secretary-General, and thus promote equality for women in leadership across the world. Thirty countries have signed on to this campaign. As an organisation advocating for gender equality, BPW needs to get on board with this initiative as well.


The Search Is On For CEOs That Embody The WEPs from U.N.

If your CEO integrates the Women’s Empowerment Principles into the life and structure of your organisation, you can submit his or her name to the prestigious 2016 WEPs CEO Leadership Awards. This event recognises the initiatives taken by CEOs to live out the 7 principles in their company in order to achieve gender equality and diversity. The nominations are open now until 30th of October. Those who are chosen will have the opportunity to talk about their commitment at the United Nations during the WEPs annual event in 2016. To learn more about this leadership awards, click here.



Extending Our Heartfelt Thanks For Your Help Toward BPW Nepal

BPW would like to express its heartfelt gratitude for all the donations that have been given toward BPW Nepal to help it recover from the devastation done by the powerful earthquakes. We would like to recognise the generosity of individuals and organisations for their willingness to help out by featuring their names on this page. Even for those who anonymously donated, we are grateful for your help too! For updates on the BPW Disaster Fund for BPW Nepal, kindly visit the homepage of BPW International.
Our Very Own Susan O’Malley Now Leads Executive Committee Of NGO-CSW, N.Y.

It is with great pleasure that we would like to share with you that our very own Susan O’Malley has been elected as chairperson of the Executive Committee of NGO Committee on the Status of Women (NGO-CSW). She will chair the committee from 2015 to 2017. Let’s support her in her new leadership role, as this will also give BPW the opportunity to work with other NGOs that aim to improve the status of women.
Dr. Catherine Bosshart-Pfluger Is Elected as Vice-President of NGO-CSW, Geneva Bureau

Another piece of good news for BPW is that our very own Dr. Catherine Bosshart-Pfluger has also been elected as vice president of the Geneva Bureau of the NGO Committee on the Status of Women (NGO-CSW). The special election was held last 30th of June 2015. Likewise, let us also lend our support to Dr. Bosshart-Pfluger as she embarks on this role, as this will allow BPW to work with different non-governmental organisations and promote our advocacies to a wider audience.


The Official Finance And Audit Reports From The 28th BPW Congress Last Year

Dear members of the BPW International Board:

On behalf of the 2011-2014 Executive, it gives us great pleasure to email you the links to the Official Congress Financial Report & Audit Report of the XXVIII BPW International Congress, held in Jeju, Republic of Korea, 23-27 May 2014.

Chers membres du Comité International de la BPW International:

Au nom de l’Exécutif 2011-2014, j’ai le grand plaisir de vous envoyer par courriel les liens des Rapport Financier et Rapport d’audit du XXVIIIe Congrès de la BPW International qui a eu lieu à Jeju, République de Corée, du 23 au 27 mai 2014.

Care Componenti del Board della BPW Internazionale,

A nome dell’Esecutivo 2011-2014 , con grande piacere, vi inviamo i links del Report Ufficiale finanziario e del Collegio dei Revisori del XXVIII Congresso Internazionale della BPW tenutosi in Jeju, Republica di Corea dal 23 al 27 Maggio 2014.

Queridas miembros de la Junta Internacional de la BPW International:

En nombre del Ejecutivo 2011-2014, tenemos el gran placer de enviarles por correo electrónico los enlaces al Informe financiero e Informe de Auditoría del 28o Congreso de la BPW International que tuvo lugar en Jeju, República de Corea, del 23 al 27 de mayo de 2014.

Finance Report in English

Signed Financials – 31 Dec 2014

Special Thanks To Lisa Lin, Tzu Hsing Foundation For Their Help On La Paz Nursing School Auditorium

BPW would like to express its sincere gratitude to our Philanthropic Task Force Chair Lisa Lin, who, in behalf of the Tzu Hsing Foundation, granted US$130,000 toward the construction of the auditorium at the La Paz Nursing School in Mexico. Their donation will help complete the construction of the said facility. The auditorium was inaugurated after the Graduation ceremony of the 2015 class on the 3rd of July. Past International President Tuulikki Jussela, President Yasmin, Lisa Lin and other BPW representatives marked this special event and cut the ribbon to the building. This is a milestone to celebrate since the school is the oldest and largest projects of BPW. Click here to watch a video of this special event.


Thank You Willy Van Lersel Jones For The Precious Memories You Left Us

Our dear friend and former BPW International Finance Officer, Willy Van Lersel Jones died in her sleep on Sunday night 28 June 2015. The final farewell was on 2nd of July at a private cremation service attended only by her husband Terry Jones, her daughters and two staff from Diane’s school.

BPW International and all her friends have lost a very special person, one who contributed so much – her financial skills, management abilities, her commitment and passion for the aims of our organisation.

Our thanks for that and our memories have no bounds.

Sylvia Perry

Past International President


Read On The Latest, Informative And Inspiring Blogs That Empower Women

On the BPW International website, we publish blogs on leadership, empowerment, equality and other topics that can affect women and help them in their personal and professional development. Here are the latest blogs for you to read and share among your networks:

For Gender Equality in 2030, here’s what needs to be done

The 59th session of the United Nation’s Commission on the Status of Women called for achievement of gender equality worldwide by 2030. For this to happen, there’s a need to move from awareness to action in addressing gender disparity.

What we can learn from African Union Summit’s view on Women Empowerment

The 59th session of the United Nation’s Commission on the Status of Women called for achievement of gender equality worldwide by 2030. For this to happen, there’s a need to move from awareness to action in addressing gender disparity.

Why women have what it takes to become transformational leaders

A transformational leader enables organisations to achieve change. Women were found to possess some of the characteristics that make them capable of being a transformational leader in their respective enterprises, according to a study commissioned by PwC.


Upcoming Events For BPW

The latter part of 2015 is expected to get busier for BPW International. From 9th to 11th of October, our sisters in East Asia will have their sub-regional conference in Mongolia. After this, our sisters from North America and the Caribbean will have their regional conference at the Westin Grand Cayman in Cayman Islands. This event will run from 6th to 8th of November, and it will include the Young BPW meeting. For fans of Star Trek and X-Men, the Cayman Congress is something to be excited about because Sir Patrick Stewart will be one of our speakers!

Honouring 85 Years of BPW’s Hard Work For Gender Equality

As entrepreneurs or professional women, we can easily get entangled in our business or career. Sprinkle a dose of appreciation in your otherwise busy day by purchasing anniversary merchandise at our Zazzle store. May it be a keychain or a notepad, these tokens will remind you of BPW’s hard work for the past 85 years in improving the status of women. You get to pay it forward too because your purchase will allow BPW to help women across the world.
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Rue de Saint-Jean 26
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